Bankruptcy and student loans are critical areas of concern for many students and parents, as they grapple with the strain of educational debt. Understanding the discharge options available in bankruptcy proceedings can offer a glimmer of light on financial stability for those burdened by student loan obligations. Our Florida bankruptcy lawyers...
Category: Business Law
Environmental Regulations and Business Compliance
Florida, widely known for its natural beauty, can only remain so with the help of strong compliance with environmental regulations. However, these laws are complex and often difficult to follow. This is why having an experienced Florida business attorney on your side can help.
Understanding the Importance...Legal Solutions for Medical Debt and Bankruptcy
If you find yourself facing unexpected medical bills for expenses your insurance wouldn’t cover, you’re not alone. Right now, more than a hundred million people in America are saddled with crushing medical debt. The last thing you want is a medical provider to sue you for an unpaid debt and put...
Bankruptcy and Foreclosure: How They Interact
If you’ve ever fallen behind on your house payments and faced the frightening possibility of losing your home to foreclosure, you may not have been aware that bankruptcy could solve your problem. A Florida bankruptcy lawyer, who practices in the Florida bankruptcy courts, can guide you through that process.
Data Privacy and Security: Legal Obligations for Businesses
In today’s digitally-driven business world, businesses must protect the information they collect about their customers. A business can mishandle all kinds of sensitive information entrusted to them such as health information, and identifying information like Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and credit card numbers.
The result?
Legal Options for Bankruptcy and Business Reorganization
All businesses go through lean times. If you are facing financial hardships as a business owner there are strategies to help you manage debt and hopefully hold onto your business – and perhaps prevent you from going to court. To guide you through the complex process of identifying the best legal...
Antitrust Laws and Their Impact on Business Practices
For more than a hundred years, American businesses have been regulated in two ways: regulation and laws, which are called antitrust laws. These far-reaching laws are critical legal mechanisms to ensure that businesses operate in a fair and aboveboard manner that benefits consumers. A Florida business attorney can help you understand...
How to Handle Disputes in a 50/50 Business Partnership
A partnership exists when two or more people co-own a business. It is a voluntary agreement to work together to operate a company for a profit. Florida partnership laws recognize two partnership types – Limited Partnerships and General Partnerships.
What happens when disputes arise between partners with...
The Role of a Corporate Trustee: When to Consider Professional Trust Management
A corporate trustee is a trust company, investment firm, or bank trust department that manages a trust. The trustee manages and controls the trust according to the terms you outlined in the trust agreement. You can name an individual to serve as a trustee. However, it is wise to discuss the...